Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tour of the Prophet Isa Mosque

The President was
accompanied by Head of Chechnya
Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya Mufti Salakh Mezhiyev and Advisor to the President of Chechnya on the Construction of Religious Facilities
Amrudi Edilgiriev.
The construction of the mosque named after Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ in the Islamic traditions) began
in June 2020. The building is designed in the style of Central Asian
architecture of the early second millennium. It is surrounded by four
20-metre-high portals and four 52-metre-high minarets. The facade is finished
with green granite decorated with flower patterns made of multi-coloured stones
and Quranic verses. The mosque has two floors and can accommodate up to 5,000
